A few weeks ago was the International Dog show In san juan dogs from around the world came here to get or try to get their Int. tittles if a tought because the judges come from diferrent countries and sometimes their standars are different from the American standard, but after a break from the shows I took Jake and Cara and both of them did a very good job, the two of them finished their INT. Tittles and Sarah did so good for a two year old she so into dogs too, maybe next year she can go to the ring, let's see.

Nearly and her owner Ana waiting to be judge. She got one of the tittles.

How to keep a girl busy while you are grooming? Lots of candy and a ride with a friend.

My Jake waiting to be judge. So tired..., my love for China is so big that even my dogs origin is from China.

That weekend was also a luch from the PAP from China and we only had time for a quick hello. Sarah and her friends Meiling and Leah.